Rahmat S. Masror
Rahmat S. Masror


November 4, 2017 The Differences Between SAN and NAS

Storage Area Networks (SANs) and Network Attached Storage (NAS) both provide networked storage solutions. A NAS is a single storage device…

August 7, 2016 KEY TERMS in Computer Networks

Following are some important terms, which are frequently used in context of Computer Networks. Terms Definition 1. ISO The OSI…

August 7, 2016 Comparison of OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP Reference Model

Following are some major differences between OSI Reference Model and TCP/IP Reference Model, with diagrammatic comparison below. OSI(Open System Interconnection)…

August 7, 2016 The TCP/IP Reference Model

TCP/IP means Transmission Control Protocol and Internet Protocol. It is the network model used in the current Internet architecture as…