Rahmat S. Masror
Rahmat S. Masror
Blog Post


April 26, 2012 TECH NEWS

Rumors of Apples focus on 3D technology have been given credence by an intriguing job posting, however signs do not point towards these features appearing on the coming iPhone 5.

Recently, website 9to5Mac posted an article highlighting a job posting from Apple’s careers website for a ‘Computer Vision specialist to strengthen its multi-view stereo research group.’ The posting seems to indicate that Apple is finally making the move towards putting 3D technology, which as of yet they have yet do do despite several Android devices already making strides in that area.The Apple 3D rumor has been around for some time, as the company has bought a long list of 3D patents over the last 12 months, and this latest addition to the rumor mill leads many to believe that the move is now imminent. The form of this technology remains unknown, however. It could follow the moves of HTC and LG by incorporating a 3D camera and displays, or it could move into a more unknown area such as holographic interface.The downside though, is that the rumors do not signal a feature on the iPhone 5 according to those familiar with Apple. Unlike leaked photographs and insider info, speculation based off patents and postings do not typically result in immediate results, and in this case, it appears as though we will have to wait to see what Apple is planning with 3D technology.


New Third Quarter Mini iPad Rumor Supports June iPhone 5 Release Speculation

According to new rumors from Asia, the Mini iPad is set to be released in the third quarter of this year and at a lower price point than expected, which all adds strength to the notion of a sooner iPhone 5 release date.

Net portal NetEase has revealed a story outlining the rumored details of the forthcoming mini iPad, indicating that it will hit shelves at the third quarter of this year, and in order to compete with the upcoming Windows tablets, set for a price of $249 to $299. The consensus on the specs hint that it will feature a 7.85 screen, to meet the competition from Amazon’s Kindle Fire.


These details have possible implications for the release of he iPhone 5, given their release patterns in the past. Typically, Apple releases its smaller devices months in advance of its larger models to avoid an overlap and conflict in sales. In this instance, it could hint at a release date for the iPhone 5 as early as June of this year, if patterns hold true. Not only this, but given its release pattern, we could expect the official announcements for the iTV in 2012 as well.

The smaller screen size of the Mini iPad could hint at another significant feature in the iPhone 5. Steve Jobs has long been known to be skeptical of tablets with small screens, because it positions the product between tablet computer and smartphone, with possible implications on each item’s sales. However, since Samsung have moved into this area without serious effects, it looks like safe ground, but it may mean that the iPhone 5 will not see a screen size increase. Either way, it is exciting news for Apple fans in 2012.

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